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- 青梅果提取物應用於健康管理之研究
- A Study of Prunus Mume Fruit Extract Applied on Health Management Releasing Human Stress
- 作者:林文宏(Lin Wen-Hung);王文良(Abraham, Wang Wen-Liang);王素華(Wang Sui-Hua);鄭貴元(Cheng Kuei-Yuan);許寶倉(Hsu Pao-Chang)
關鍵字:健康管理;青梅果提取物;膽固醇;三酸甘油酯;health management;prunus mume fruit extract;cholesterol;triglyceride
- 許多研究指出青梅果提取物(prunus mume fruit extract)具有抗氧化、抗發炎、抗癌等特性,同時因其具有高生物利用率,因此,除了在醫療上面的應用外,亦可用作為膳食補充劑。然而,至今並未有較完整研究針對青梅果提取物對於人體血脂中之三酸甘油酯(Triglyceride, TG, Triacylglycerol, TAG, or Triacylglyceride,血脂肪)及膽固醇(Cholesterol)之調節作用進行綜合的研究分析。本研究旨在了解青梅果提取物對於人體血脂是否具有調節之作用。本研究於2012年8月至同年9月進行為期一個月之實驗,資料整理自台中市某一檢驗所檢驗數據分析,參與實驗人員共48人,隨機區分兩組進行單盲人體試驗,年齡分布於28至67歲之間,實驗組平均年齡51.38歲,安慰劑組平均年齡50.35歲。男女性比例為50%比50%,實驗組男女性比例為62.5%比37.5%,安慰劑組男女性比例為37.5%比62.5%。青梅果來自南投縣,經提取青梅果後,以每人三餐飯後每次食用2公克提取物(青梅果提取物50%、麥芽糊精50%)劑量(6g/d),區分實驗組(n=24),以及安慰劑組之對照組(n=24),進行一個月食用前後之膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、高密度膽固醇、以及低密度膽固醇之比較分析。本研究以SPSS進行分析,結果顯示服用青梅果提取物對於上述各項指標呈現顯著緩解作用;同時發現對於不同性別之服用者有不同之顯著性。
- Abstract :
Many studies have pointed out that the prunus mume fruit extract has anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and other characteristics, and because of its high bioavailability, it can be used as a dietary supplement in addition to medical applications. However, no comprehensive research has been conducted on the regulation of the prunus mume fruit extract on triglyceride and cholesterol in human blood lipids. The purpose of this study was to understand whether the prunus mume fruit extract has a regulating effect on human blood lipids. This study conducted a one-month experiment from August 2012 to September of the same year. The data were collected from the results of an institute of medical laboratory in Taichung City. A total of 48 participants participated in the experiment. Two groups were randomly divided into single-blind trials. The age was distributed between 28 and 67 years, the mean age of the experimental group was 51.38 years old, and the mean age of the placebo group was 50.35 years old. The proportion of male to female was 50% to 50%. The male-female ratio in the experimental group was 62.5% to 37.5%, in the placebo group was 37.5% to 62.5%. The prunus mume fruits were from Nantou County, Taiwan, which were extracted by water. Each person (experimental group, n = 24) took 2 grams of extract dose (6 g/d) after meals (prunus mume fruit extract 50%, maltodextrin 50%), the placebo group were given by other substitutes, and a comparative analysis of cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density cholesterol, and low-density cholesterol was then examined before and after one month of consumption. The results revealed that the group taking prunus mume fruit extract showed significant relief for all the above indicators; it was also found that there existed significant differences in between different genders.
- 眼部穴位按摩與精油介入對工作記憶能力及減壓效果探討
- Effects of Eye-Acupuncture-Massage and Essential Oil's Application on the Working Memory Capacity and Stress
作者:陳芊羽(Chen Chien-Yu);賴世烱(Lai Shih-Chiung)
關鍵字:芳香療法;真正薰衣草;心率變異;副交感神經系統;Aromatherapy;True lavender;Heart rate variability;Parasympathetic nerve system
本研究旨在探討眼部穴位按摩及芳療精油的介入對於工作記憶及減壓效果之影響,研究參與者共39位成人(22.26±1.33歲),隨機分成按摩組及精油組,研究分成二階段進行,第一階段為3分鐘的工作記憶測驗前測,第二階段則包括20分鐘實驗介入,及3分鐘的工作記憶測驗後測,比較參與者的工作記憶表現及減壓效果,前者之研究工具為數字記憶測驗及N-Back測驗(包含低認知程度的2-Back測驗與高認知程度的3-Back測驗),後者則以心率變異度作為評估壓力之工具。研究結果顯示:1.在2-Back測驗得分上,兩組的後測成績皆高於前測。2.二因子變異數分析結果顯示組別與前後測兩項因子對3-Back測驗成績產生交互作用,按摩組之後測得分顯著下降,精油組則顯著上升。3.兩組心率變異之高頻功率(high frequency, HF)前測無顯著差異,但實驗介入後之HF值顯著增加,且按摩組之HF值高於精油組。本研究之結論為:1.一次性的眼部穴位按摩與真正薰衣草精油的介入經過20分鐘的時間醞釀後,在高認知程度的工作記憶(3-Back)上,按摩組表現下降,精油組表現提升。2.在減壓效果方面,二組皆可減輕短期壓力,且按摩組介入效果優於精油組。
- Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of eye-acupuncture-massage and true lavender essential oil on working memory capacity and stress. Thirty nine participants (age: 22.26 ± 1.33 years old) were randomly assigned into two groups: massage and essential oil groups. Participants performed 3 minutes working memory pre-test, which were assessed by digital memory and N-back tests. After completing the working memory tasks, different interventions according to the two groups were carried out for 20 minutes. Finally, participants performed 3 minutes working memory post-test. Besides, mental stress of the participants was inferred from the high frequency (HF) (parasympathetic nerve) of heart rate variability (HRV). The effects of working memory and stress-reducing were tested via 2 (groups) x 2 (pre-, post-test) mixed designed 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance levels were all set atα= .05. The obtained results were as follows: 1. Both the massage group and essential oil group showed increasing trend in the 2-Back task scores. 2. There was an interaction effect of group and pre-posttest on the 3-Back task, with the decreasing score in the massage group and increasing score in the essential oil group. 3. There were no significant differences between the HF values of the two groups. Both groups led to the increases in the HF values, with the massage's higher than the essential oils. This study concludes that 1. In terms of improving the working memory capacity, the essential oil group benefited more than the massage group did with 20 minutes intervention going through. 2. As to the stress-reducing effect, the massage group was better than the essential oil group.
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超臨界流體萃取薑黃對人類皮膚角質細胞的影響 -
Effect of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Curcuma longa in Human Skin Keratinocyte Cells - 作者:黃元韻(Ng Yan-Yan);王瑋筑(Wang Wei-Zhu);林依芸(Lin Yi-Yun);莊正宏(Chuang Cheng-Hung);林恩仕(Lin En-Shyh)
關鍵字:薑黃;角質細胞;細胞存活率;彗星分析;Curcuma longa;Keratinocyte Cells;Cell viability;Comet Assay
薑黃(Curcuma longa, CL)具有抗氧化、抑制發炎反應、抗腫瘤、抑菌、抗真菌活性等生物活性。薑黃精油(turmeric essential oil)也被用於芳香療法,利用植物精油以增進健康的自然療法,則是透過接觸皮膚或呼吸器官進入人體,因此,本研究中除了探討其功能性外,也對於其安全性進行評估。本研究利用超臨界流體技術單獨使用二氧化碳(Carbon dioxide, CD)與加入共溶劑(Co-solvents, CS)提取出薑黃萃取物CL-CD與CL-CS,分析薑黃萃取物對人類皮膚角質細胞株(Human skin keratinocyte cell line, HaCaT)之細胞存活率,並利用彗星分析薑黃萃取物對於過氧化氫(Hydrogen peroxide, H_2O_2)誘發細胞氧化傷害的保護作用。研究結果發現在細胞存活率測試上,10-100μg/mL薑黃萃取物CL-CD及10-30μg/mL薑黃萃取物CL-CS,均不會影響HaCaT細胞生長。另外,薑黃萃取物CL-CD與CL-CS均能夠顯著抑制H_2O_2所誘發人類正常角質細胞(HaCaT)DNA傷害,且薑黃萃取物CL-CS抑制效果優於CL-CD。
Abstract :
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is used in aromatherapy, and studies have pointed out that it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor properties, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal effects. However, the safety remains to be determined when the oil is administered through skin or the respiratory tract. In this study, Curcuma longa was extracted with CL-CD and CL-CS by supercritical carbon dioxide. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as free radicals are constantly generated in vivo and DNA is the most important target of oxidative stress. The comet analysis applied to DNA repair can address topics such as repair deficiency in disease or aging, modulation of repair by diet factors, and the effect of polymorphisms in repair genes. The results showed that the concentrations required to no inhibit the proliferation of HaCaT were 10-100 μg/mL CL-CD and 10-30 μg/mL CL-CS. The study was to evaluate the effect of Curcuma longa extracts on human keratinocyte cells by comet assay and to find out which properties contribute to this effect. Moreover, the CL-CS had a more protective effect than CL-CD. The study was to evaluate the effect of Curcuma longa extracts on human keratinocyte cells by comet assay and to find out which properties contribute to this effect. Finally, we will confer the Curcuma longa essential oils ratio that influences the skin care and cosmetic.
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- A Study on the Application of Hair-Dyestuffs in Taiwan Hair Salon
作者:陳若蕎(Chen Jo-Chiao);鄭寶寧(Cheng Pao-Ning)
關鍵字:時尚美學;美容美髮;天然植物染;化學染;esthetics;beauty & hair-styling salon;hair dyestuff of chemical;hair dyestuff of natural plants
Abstract :
The hair-designers frequently perform the technique of hair-dyeing in order to cover the customer's white hair or to change hair colors in accordance with fashion. The hair-designer even treats the performance of hair-dyeing as an accomplishment of artistic creation. In response to environmental protection, the hair-styling industry and its clients pay much more attentions to the effects on the human body and environment occurred due to the usage of hair dyestuffs. The study wishes to analyze these effects in the procession of hair-dyeing using dyestuffs both natural plants and chemicals. The study adopts Qualitative in-depth interviewing Research. The subjects include professor, expert and also customers in Taichung city area who owns several experiences of hair-dyeing. The study also wishes to investigate how the hair-styling industry made its dyestuffs' choose under pre-consideration of health maintenance and esthetics. The results of in-depth interviewing will be analyzed by SWOT method, and conclude with few appropriate suggestions for the industry and customers while the main contribution of the study is to present the privileges and weak of both kinds of hair-dyestuffs to the industry.
Study of Concentrated Cranberry to Relieve Inflammation of Urinary Tract
作者:林文宏(Lin Wen-Hung);顏德隆(Yen Te-Lung);賴金妙(Lai Chin-Miao);張彩梅(Chang Tsai-Mei);鄭貴元(Cheng Kuei-Yuan)
關鍵字:蔓越莓;尿道感染;抗發炎;cranberry;urinary tract infection;Anti-inflammatory
本研究背景:長年來蔓越莓(cranberry)一直被提倡用於緩解尿道感染(urinary tract infection, UTI)所使用的食品,因其富含抗氧化的多酚類物質複合原花青素(proanthocyanidins, PACs),特別是原花青素-A,對細菌具有抗黏附作用的特性,因此,蔓越莓對於UTI來說是有吸引力的,是非抗生素預防性選擇之一的品項,但科學界對其功效直至目前還是有所爭議的。研究發現女性在其一生中有50%的UTI風險,甚至有高達20-30%經歷了隨後的UTI復發現象。因此,本研究的目的是以濃縮蔓越莓進行緩解泌尿道發炎因子之研究,提出對尿道感染緩解與保健之建議,以藉由抑制一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)、介白素6(cytokine interleukin 6; IL-6)、腫瘤壞死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor; TNF-α),提出對三種抗發炎之研究。結果顯示,濃縮蔓越莓能顯著抑制細菌脂多醣(Lipopolysaccharide; LPS)所刺激的發炎NO反應抑制21.7%,但對於IL-6及TNF-α無抑制反應,同時濃縮蔓越莓對受測細胞並無細胞毒性之現象。雖然如此,本研究濃縮蔓越莓緩解泌尿道發炎之研究,僅為拋轉引玉的研究,期許提供農產事業及其相關生產鏈事業者,應用更多天然植物使用之思考與嘉惠消費者之提出,但仍需通過更多臨床實驗驗證,以及更多更高質量的研究,提供相關產業實務發展及學術參考之有效建議。
Abstract :
Cranberry has been advocated for many years to alleviate the food used in urinary tract infection (UTI) because it is rich in antioxidant polyphenols combined with proanthocyanidins (PACs). Especially this ingredient, proanthocyanidin-A, has an anti-adhesive property against bacteria. Therefore, cranberry is attractive for UTI and is one of the non-antibiotic prophylactic options. But the scientific community has been controversial for its efficacy until now. Previous studies have found that women had a 50% UTI risk in their lifetime, and even up to 20-30% experienced subsequent UTI recurrence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of concentrated cranberry to relieve inflammation of the urinary tract. And provide suggestions for the relief and health care of urinary tract infections. That is, by inhibiting nitric oxide (NO), cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-α (tumor necrosis factor; TNF-α), three anti-inflammatory drugs are proposed. The results showed that concentrated cranberry significantly inhibited the inhibition of inflammatory NO response stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by 21.7%, but did not inhibit IL-6 and TNF-α, and concentrated cranberry on the cells tested. There is no cytotoxicity. Nevertheless, the study of concentrated cranberry to alleviate urinary tract inflammation in this study is only a study of turning jade. It is expected that the future agro-industry and related production chain enterprises can apply more natural plants to find anti-inflammatory foods to benefit consumers. Finally, this study still needs more clinical trials and more high-quality research to provide effective advice on relevant industry practice development and academic references.