
ISSN 25226592
中醫本草健康促進期刊 6卷1期
International Journal of TCM Aromatherapy
2022/ Volume 6-1
Effect of Anti-inflammatory Herbs Dipping Agents on the Prevention and Treatment of Bovine Mastitis
作者: 林文宏(Lin, Wen-Hung)* / 李國華(Lee, Kuo-Hua) /陳志毅 Chen, Jih-Yi*/ 趙俊炫 Chao, Chun-Hsuan / 郭恆宏 Kuo, Heng-Hung
本研究應用具抗發炎活性之中草藥萃取液調製成乳牛乳頭藥浴劑,以期達降低生乳體細 胞數及防治乳牛乳房炎之目的。試驗流程是將蒲公英等中草藥進行萃取,再添加賦形劑調製 成乳牛乳頭藥浴劑,進行動物臨床試驗,試驗牛隻每日早晚兩次擠乳後進行乳頭藥浴,試驗 組採用中草藥乳頭藥浴劑,對照組則採用優碘乳頭藥浴劑,同場同期進行為期 14 天,於試 驗前及試驗後採集每頭受試牛隻的乳樣,測其體細胞數,以評估對乳牛乳房炎之防治效果。 結果顯示,優碘對照組(n=20)平均體細胞數,由 30.8 ± 23.2 萬/mL 上升為 35.6 ± 31.5 萬 /mL,而中草藥萃取液試驗組(n=20)平均體細胞數,則從 32.2 ± 24.8 萬/mL 下降為 21.4 ± 18.5 萬/mL。以上結果顯示,本試驗研製之抗發炎乳頭藥浴劑,對降低生乳體細胞數,深具 意義與發展潛能。
The purpose of this study was application of anti-inflammatory herbs dipping agents, used in dairy teat after milking, for reducing the somatic cell count (SCC) in raw milk as well as prevent and treat the mastitis. The experimental process was to extract Chinese herbs such as dandelion, and then add excipients to prepare a teat dipping agent for clinical trials. The 40 milking cows were randomly divided into two groups, one was the control group: using betadine teat dipping agent, another was experimental group: using Chinese herbs teat dipping agent. All cows were given a teat dipping after milking twice a day in the morning and evening. The same period was carried out for 14 days. The milk samples were collected before and after the trial, and the SCC and milk ingredients were measured to evaluate the effect of prevention and treatment mastitis. The results showed that the average SCC (× 104 cells/mL) in the betadine control group (n=20) increased from 30.8 ± 23.3 to 35.6 ± 31.5, while the average SCC (× 104 cells/mL) in the Chinese herbs experimental group (n=20) was from 32.2 ± 24.8 to 21.4 ± 18.5. These results showed that the anti- inflammatory herbs dipping agents developed in this experiment had profound significance and development potential in reducing the SCC in raw milk.
Keywords: Dairy Cow、 Mastitis、Teat di
- 2.
- 针灸结合复方丹参泥灸治疗寒湿痹阻型颈椎病的临床研究
- Clinical Study of Acupuncture Combined with Compound Salvia Miltiorrhiza Mud Moxibustion in the Treatment of Cold
- Dampness Arthralgia Type Cervical Spondylosis
- 李馨* Li Xin* 四川国际标榜职业学院 / 叶茂 Ye Mao 四川国际标榜职业学院 康养研究院
- 摘要
目的:观察针灸结合复方丹参泥灸治疗寒湿痹阻型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法:37 例患者按照 随机数字表法分为实验组 19 例,对照组 18 例,两组均采用针灸治疗法,且实验组在针灸前使用 复方丹参泥灸。针灸按照风池、颈夹脊、肩井、列缺、大椎结合配穴取穴。复方丹参泥灸选用丹 参、红花、当归、川芎、茯苓、白术制成泥灸使用。结果:治疗后两组 VAS 评分均降低(P<0.05); JOA 评分均升高(P<0.05);NDI 评分均降低(P<0.05),且实验组各项指标改善程度均大于对照组 (P<0.05),总有效率实验组与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05),但显效率实验组高于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论:针灸结合复方丹参泥灸针对治疗寒湿痹症型颈椎病有较好疗效。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture combined with compound salvia miltiorrhiza mud moxibustion on cervical spondylosis of cold dampness obstruction type. Methods: 37 patients were randomly divided into experimental group (19 cases) and control group (18 cases). Both groups were treated with acupuncture and moxibustion, and the experimental group was treated with compound salvia miltiorrhiza mud moxibustion before acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture points are selected according to the combination of Fengchi, Cervical Jiaji, shoulder well, lieduan and Dazhui. Compound salvia miltiorrhiza mud moxibustion is made of Salvia miltiorrhiza, safflower, Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Poria cocos and Atractylodes macrocephala. Results: the VAS scores of the two groups decreased after treatment (P < 0.05); JOA scores increased (P < 0.05); NDI scores decreased (P < 0.05), and the improvement of various indexes in the experimental group was greater than that in the control group (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the total effective rate between the experimental group and the control group (P > 0.05), but the effective rate in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: acupuncture combined with compound salvia miltiorrhiza mud moxibustion has a good effect on cervical spondylosis of cold dampness arthralgia type.
Keywords: Salvia miltiorrhiza, Mud moxibustion, Cervical spondylopathy
- 3.
- 不同產地餘甘子提取物抗發炎效果之研究
- Study on the Anti-inflammatory Effects of Extracts of Phyllanthus Emblica from Different Origins
- 林文宏* Lin, Wen-Hung / 林穎志* Lin, Ying-Chih*/ 蔡弼合 Tsai, Bi-He/ 劉家祐 Liu, Chia-Yu / 邱語溱 Chiu, Yu-Chen / 郭恆宏 Kuo, Heng-Hung
本研究選擇中國雲南、印度古吉拉特邦以及柬埔寨金邊,三個地區所生產的餘甘子 (Phyllanthus emblica L.)為材料,研究其提取物對細胞抗發炎的「應答效果」。本研究以三種 (常見/主要)促炎因子,包含:「一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)」、「白介素 6(interleukin 6, IL6)」和「腫瘤壞死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNF-α)」進行分析,並探討餘甘子提取 物是否具有細胞毒性(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)。分析結果顯示,三個地區 產出的餘甘子提取物,具有顯著抑制 NO 與 IL-6 產生的抗炎應答效果,但對 TNF-α 無顯 著的抑制作用;同時,並未測得對細胞產生毒性。本研究結果,可以提供餘甘子做為抗發炎原 料在產地來源選擇上決策的依據,以及商業化生產行銷的重要參考。
This study used emblica fruit(Phyllanthus emblica L.)extractions from Yunnan, China, Gujarat, India and Phnom Penh, Cambodia as materials to explore its anti-inflammatory response effect on cells. Causing inflammation of three factors, include nitric oxide(NO), interleukin-6(IL-6)and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), be tested and cytotoxicity(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)be analyzed. The results showed that the three of Phyllanthus emblica extraction have significantly inhibited effect on NO and IL-6. But it has no inhibitory effect on TNF-α. Meanwhile, cytotoxicity did not be detected at this study. This study can provide a gate for follower of emblica fruit to further research.
Keywords: emblica fruit(Phyllanthus emblica L.), inflammatory factors, macrophage
- 4.
- 九种艾灸器具开发及应用
- Invention and Application of Nine Moxibustion Instruments
- 王星月 Wang Xingyue 四川国际标榜职业学院 / 周文文* Zhou Wenwen * 四川国际标榜职业学院 产业中心
艾灸是现代人调理身体状态,提高生活质量的常用手段。本研究结合中医腧穴理论,针对 于身体不适的常见部位,设计了九种精确定位的艾灸器械,可多体位使用。艾灸盒其主要的特 点是,火力充足,安全便捷;艾灸盒由三个部分构成:盒盖,盒盖中镂空的铁隔板,镂空状的 筒状体组成。其原理是固定燃烧的艾柱或艾绒不易移动,艾柱或艾绒燃烧使其从铁网渗透下至 皮肤表面,能够维持灸疗穴位的温度恒定,更精确到一个穴位。铁隔板采用网面设计,可防止 艾灰掉落到皮肤,导致烫伤。较传统艾灸器具更具安全性及实用性。
Moxibustion is a common means for modern people to regulate their physical state and improve their quality of life. Combined with the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this study designed nine kinds of moxibustion instruments with accurate positioning for the common parts of physical discomfort, which can be used in multiple positions. Moxibustion box is characterized by sufficient firepower and convenience; The moxibustion box is composed of three parts: the box cover, the hollow iron partition in the box cover and the hollow cylindrical body. The principle is that the fixed burning moxa stick or cashmere is not easy to move, and the burning of moxa stick or cashmere makes it penetrate from the iron net to the skin surface, which can maintain the constant temperature of moxibustion acupoints and be more accurate to one acupoint. The iron partition adopts mesh design, which can prevent AI ash from falling to the skin and causing scald. It is safer and more practical than traditional moxibustion instruments.
Keywords: Moxibustion, Moxibustion set, Moxibustion box
- 5.
- 不同微米粒徑廣藿香之溶液其抗炎效果研究
- Study on the Anti-inflammatory Effect of Patchouli Solution among Different Micron Particle Size
- 林文宏 Lin, Wen-Hung 和生生技有限公司 仁德醫護管理專科學校 口腔衛生科
本研究使用 96 微米與 5 微米的廣藿香(Pogostemon cablin Benth.)之溶液為材料,對 細胞抑制炎性應答效果之研究。以三種促炎因子,包含一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)、白介素 6(interleukin 6, IL-6)和腫瘤壞死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNF-α)作為分析目標。 並探討是否有細胞毒性(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)。結果顯示,96 微米與 5 微米的廣藿香溶液,均具顯著抑制 NO 與 IL-6 產生的抑制炎性效果,但對 TNF-α 無抑制 作用,同時皆未測得細胞毒性。總結結論是:使用更為微細粒徑的 5 微米廣藿香溶液,除了 具有顯著抗炎效果外,更具節省材料與節省成本的效益,並且呈正面效果和創新優勢,為廣 藿香提供進一步的研究與開發思路和依據。
This study used 96-micron and 5-micron patchouli(Pogostemon cablin Benth.)solution as the ingredients to explore its anti-inflammatory response effect on cells. Cause inflammation of three factors, nitric oxide(NO), interleukin-6(IL-6)and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), be explored and cytotoxicity(microculture tetrazolium assay, MTT assay)be analyzed. The results showed that the both of micronized patchouli solution have significantly inhibited effect on NO and IL-6. But it has no inhibitory effect on TNF-α. Meanwhile, no cytotoxicity was detected at the test. The conclusions address that the use of finer particle size of 5-micron patchouli solution have a significant anti-inflammatory effect, and more saving of ingredients and cost-saving benefits, as well as present positive effects and innovative advantages. This study also provides a gate to further research and development ideas for patchouli and basis.
Keywords: Micrometer, Patchouli(Pogostemon cablin Benth.), Inflammatory Factors, Macrophage
- 6.
- 芳香疗法改善老年人睡眠障碍效果的研究进展
- Research & Progress of Aromatherapy in Improving Sleep Disorders in the Elderly
- 刘冬 Liu Dong 四川国际标榜职业学院
- 摘要
睡眠的时长直接影响着人体的代谢功能,特别是男性老年人,受睡眠质量的影响最大[ ], 缺乏深度睡眠、长时间睡眠的群体在白天的精神较差,容易产生疲惫感,因此引发其他的身体 疾病;睡眠时间不足的状态长时间维持的话,个人的情绪更加消沉,容易产生负面想法。相关 研究也证明芳香类中药可以通过嗅觉通路达到镇静、安神等功效,或可成为改善老年人睡眠障 碍的新途径,在睡眠障碍的治疗领域必将具有广阔的前景。
关键词 芳香疗法,老年人,睡眠障碍,研究进展
The length of sleep directly affects the metabolic function of the human body, especially the male elderly, which is most affected by the quality of sleep []. The group lacking deep sleep and long-term sleep has poor spirit during the day and is prone to fatigue, which leads to other physical diseases; If the state of insufficient sleep time is maintained for a long time, personal mood is more depressed and prone to negative thoughts. Relevant studies have also proved that aromatic traditional Chinese medicine can achieve sedative and calming effects through the olfactory pathway, or can become a new way to improve sleep disorders in the elderly. It will have broad prospects in the treatment of sleep disorders..
Keywords: Aromatherapy, Aged, Sleep disorders, Research & Progress
