摘 要
本研究旨在探討職業重建之視障按摩訓練課程成效分析,透過文獻探討及問卷調查方式 進行,歸納結論如下:視障者的職業重建主要目的:為協助重返職場,獲得適合及穩定的就 業。視障按摩職業訓練課程,其重要性依序為:按摩職業訓練﹥行動訓練﹥生活訓練﹥資訊 應用。學習基本按摩技術及學習臨床按摩技術,含人體生理各器官功能及基本按摩技術,輕 擦法、揉捏法、按壓法等;及學習臨床按摩技術:頭頸、背、胸、腹部、上下肢、統整全身 按摩技術為有利於職場專業能力培養。在行動訓練部分:定向行動能力對於中途視障者非常 重要,具定向能力就可以自行到街訪活動和人互動溝通,有助人際關係培養。個人背景變項 在按摩職業訓練課程之學習成效的無差異,然而在職業訓練參與過程,直接或間接與人及社 會產生連結建立關係,並能有工具性或情感性的交流,達到有效社會關係的建立。政府推動 促進視障者就業及職業訓練課程,應具備的足夠訓練課程項目與時數,以培養職場需求優質 具競爭力與就業力的視障按摩師,以迴應發展基本能力、專業能力課程內涵。
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the visually impaired massage training course for vocational rehabilitation. Through literature review and questionnaire survey, the conclusions are as follows: the main purpose of vocational rehabilitation for visually impaired persons is to assist them in returning to the workplace and to obtain suitable and stable employment. The order of importance of visually impaired massage vocational training courses is massage vocational training> mobility training> life training> information application. In the training, they need to learn basic massage techniques and clinical massage techniques, including the physiological organs and basic massage techniques, frolement, kneading, and pressure manipulation; learn clinical massage techniques for head and neck, back, chest, abdomen, upper and lower limbs, the comprehensive whole-body massage is conducive to develop professional ability in the workplace. As for mobility training, orientation and mobility are very important for people with adventitious visual impairment. It allows them to leave home to attend activities and interact with people, which is helpful for the development of interpersonal relationships. There is no difference caused by personal background variables in the learning effect of massage vocational training courses. In addition, in the process of vocational training participation, individuals are directly or indirectly connected with people and society and could communicate instrumentally or emotionally, so as to achieve an effective social relationship. When the government promotes employment and vocational training courses for the visually impaired, sufficient training programs and class hours should be provided to cultivate competitive and employable visually impaired masseurs who can meet the market demand. In addition to the development of basic abilities of the visually impaired, the course should also provide connotations to cultivate their professional ability.
Keywords: vocational rehabilitation, visually impaired massage training course, learning effectivenessfunctions of human
摘 要
複合媒材是指多種材料結合運用的創作模式,在多元創作過程中,不再侷限於使用金屬 與珠寶,本專題選用複合媒材的意念來完成飾品創作,自由的創作方式能突顯出作品的獨有 特色。媒材採用 UV 膠、烏干紗、熱縮片等為主,作品包含髮飾、耳飾、頸飾、戒指及胸針, 完美呈現出飾品的獨特性。 使用 UV 膠創作出有埃及、精品及夢幻等風格;使用烏干紗創作出希臘、清新、典雅等 風格;使用熱縮片創作出有異國、文青及花藝等風格,透過本專題進一步瞭解將不一樣的材 料創作飾品展現不同的風格視覺感受,也實現複合媒材多元運用的理念。
Mixed media refers to a creative mode that combines multiple materials. In the process of multiple creation, it is not limited to the usage of metals and jewelry. This topic uses the idea of composite media to complete jewelry creation. The free creation method can highlight the uniqueness of the work and its feature. The media are mainly UV glue, Ugan yarn, heat shrinkable film, etc. The works include hair accessories, earrings, neck accessories, rings and brooches, perfectly showing the uniqueness of the accessories. The usage of UV glue creates Egyptian’s boutique and dream styles. The Usage of Ugan yarn creates Greek fresh and elegant style. While the usage of shrink film creates exotic, literary and floral styles. Through this topic, you can learn more about the creation of accessories with different materials shows different styles of visual experience, and also realizes the concept of multiple use of composite media.
Keywords: Multi-Media、Jewelry Design、Creative Materials
3. 复方白芍泥灸在面部护理中的应用研究
摘 要
本研究以世界紋飾文化之探討,掌握紋飾特色與風格表現,加入多元與異質素材的創作 元 素分析內涵品質與技法,在融入整體造型設計課程的教學設計中,引導開啟同學學習潛能 與創意 發想,並瞭解學習之成效。自古以來人們以色彩促進形式的發展,彰顯設計構圖的特 色,無論是 埃及藝術、中國藝術或是希臘藝術,都有博大深遠的紋飾呈現在建築、生活用具 等裝置上,對審 美的評價上是很高的。設計三要素包含了色彩、線條、材質的整體造型計畫, 最好的比例是肉眼 難以察覺的形式組合,尤其因世界各地的民族性和藝術美學性不同,寫實 寫意手法各有表現,因 此衍生的變化是多元的。色彩運用在設計要素中是很重要的一環,色 彩三原色、二次色即可在造 型畫面中吸引很多的目光,再加上線條的直線、曲線、弧形等節 奏比例混搭,形成豐富的紋飾美學。本次以五專化妝品應用與管理科學生進行實務實作分析 及紋飾整體造型問卷調查,綜合論之 具創意發想者與修習過「彩妝設計」、「創意設計」、「造 型設計」課程學分有正相關,都有近 90% 同學有此學習背景,也較能掌握整體造型設計之 應用性。
The ancient people used color to promote the development of forms and highlight the characteristics of design composition. Whether it is Egyptian art, Chinese art or Greek art, there are extensive and far-reaching patterns displayed on buildings, living appliances and other installations, and the aesthetic evaluation is Is very high. The three elements of design include the overall styling plan of colors, lines, and materials. The best ratio is a combination of forms that are hard to detect with the naked eye. Especially because of the differences in nationality and artistic aesthetics around the world, the realistic and freehand techniques have their own expressions, so they are derived the changes are diverse. The use of color is an important part of design elements. The three primary colors and secondary colors can attract a lot of attention in the styling picture. In addition, the rhythmic proportions of straight lines, curves, and arcs are mixed and matched to form a rich decorative aesthetics. This time, we will explore the world's ornamental culture, master ornamental characteristics and style expression, and create artistic designs with deep connotation and quality.
Keywords: decorative art, overall modeling, design
5. 美容保養品直銷會員消費行為之研究
6. 離職美學認知類型之研究A Study on the Types of Aesthetics Perception of Turnover劉仲矩* Liu, Chung-Chu* 國立臺北大學 企業管理學系 教授 游捷媗 Yu, Chieh-Hsuan 國立臺北大學 企業管理學系碩士班
摘 要
離職是一個企業管理重要議題,當員工有離職意願進而產生離職行為時,其背後伴隨著 許多員工心理、生理、環境與個人生涯規劃等因素。反之,企業端則需進行後續離職程序及 找尋新的人才等繁雜手續。由此可見,離職會使企業端產生成本,因此若能了解離職員工的 認知,並且結合美學的觀念,值得探討。本研究目的有二:一是發展離職美學之相關題項; 二是了解員工對離職美學的認知類型。由於本研究主題較少探討,屬於初探的特質,故採用 Q 方法來收集與分析資料,以過去曾有過離職經驗者為受訪對象,有效問卷共 30 份,研究結 果經歸納可將離職美學認知類型分成四種類型,並根據不同類型給予人資部門相關的建議, 期盼能藉由此問卷結果提供企業做好離職管理。
關鍵詞:離職、美學、離職管理、Q 方法
Turnover is an important issue in business management. When an employee has a desire to leave the company and then has an exit behavior, it is accompanied by many factors such as psychological, physical, environmental and personal career planning. On the other hand, the company needs to carry out complicated procedures such as the subsequent exit procedure and finding new talents. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore the ideas of labor turnover and combine the concepts of aesthetics. The purpose of this research is twofold: one is to develop related items of aesthetics perception of turnover; the other is to understand the types of aesthetics perception of turnover through employees’ perspectives. Since the subject of this study is less discussed and belongs to the characteristics of the preliminary study, the Q method is used to collect and analyze the data. The respondents who had quitted were selected, and 30 valid questionnaires. The results of the study can be summarized. The types of cognition are divided into four types, and according to different types, the relevant suggestions of the human resources department are given. It is expected to provide enterprises with good turnover management.
Keywords: Turnover, Aesthetics, Turnover Management, Q method
7. 探討意外傷害特殊化妝技巧之創作- Explore the Creation of Special Makeup Techniques for Accidental Injuries
- 陳嘉琪 Chen, Chia-Chi 崇仁醫護管理專科學校 美容保健科、/ 蘇冠伃 Su, Guan-Yu 崇仁醫護管理專科學校 美容保健科/ 鄭伊岑 Zheng, Yi-Cen 崇仁醫護管理專科學校 美容保健科 /林旻靚 Lin, Min-Ching 崇仁醫護管理專科學校 美容保健科/ 陳立賢* Chen, Li-Hsien 崇仁醫護管理專科學校 美容保健科
本研究將解析特效傷妝製成,探討如何使用矽膠將層次堆疊平整,使其於肌膚緊密無色 差,及利用油性顏料繪製出傷口深淺,增加作品寫實立體感,並視需求加入血液、血漿、粉 塵、骨頭等特殊異材質,也因應民安消防演習等公共活動所需特效傷妝需求,透過特效傷妝 的強大渲染力,將各活動背後傳達之意念更全面宣導給社會,並藉以研究特效傷妝對觀者觀 看情緒之差異,及確立特效傷妝在影視娛樂中無法被取代的獨特刺激魅力。
This creation will explain the practice of special effects injury makeup, explore how to use silicone to stack layers, make the skin tight without chromatic aberration, and use oily pigments to draw the depth of the wounds, increase the realistic three-dimensional sense of the work, and add special materials such as blood, plasma, dust, bones and other special materials according to the needs. It is also for special effects injury makeup needs required for public activities such as civil safety fire drills. Through the strong influence of special effects injury makeup, the significance of various activities will be more comprehensively publicized to society, and to study the different effects of special effects injury makeup on the viewing mood of viewers to determine the unique charm of special effects injury makeup cannot be replaced in film and television entertainment.
Keywords: Special Effect Makeup、Realistic Stereo Sense、Differences in Viewing Emotions
發行單位 :中華美容經營管理學會
發 行 人: 曾俊明
總 編 輯: 林欣美
副總編輯: 吳錦生
編輯委員: 詹慧珊 陳德發 林維炤 林榮枝 徐照程 黃久秦
譚彩鳳 王婉馨 林恩仕 王銘富 葉曾欽 蔡豐仁
仇 敏 李明峻 王全祿 李仰川 顏國華 吳明芳 林智健
審查委員: 洪雪鳳 張嘉苓 何玉環 阮麗美 紀皖珍 楊彩華 張彩梅 林錚苑
許雅惠 邱筱婷 陳鳳如 張晉鑾 張賽容 江麗娟 陳麗珍
法律顧問: 英典聯合法律事務所所長 曾信嘉 律師
編輯製作: 美容科技學刊 編輯部
建議售價: NT$ 400/期
出版日期: 2020 年12 月
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